Circular kitchen
From linear to circular kitchen model.
To get things clear we call the cafe kitchen of phase 1 at the right wing of the fort, Horeca 3, this is how it's mentioned in the project book. Horeca 3 consist of an indoor seating and a large terrace. the terrace is oriented on the 'Grote Poel' of the Westereinderplassen, with an area of 229 m2, and has great views. There is space on the terrace for around 80 people, many of whom are likely to be day tourists arriving by bicycle, sailboat, or other modes of transportation. Therefore, ordering a sandwich, having a drink, or bitterballen is not absurd. Additionally, horeca 3 has space for 30 customers indoors. The casemate will display historical details and aspects of the fort. Horeca 3 can accommodate around 110 people in total. Horeca 3 has a kitchen that is 34 m2, a seating area adjacent to the bar that is 48 m2, a seating area in the casemate which is 37 m2, restrooms of 22 m2, and lastly halls, and other areas that are 24 m2. In total, an area of 165 m2 and should breathe and taste circular.

Horeca 3

Before implementation
In many settings, including many kitchens, a linear approach is the norm. Because there is no emphasis on this, resources are not managed effectively, resulting in many important resources being wasted. It's unfortunate that procedures must be quick and simple because a lot of value is lost in the process. This is different in a circular process, where waste does not exist. A circular kitchen follows the 4R approach, rethink, reduce, reuse, and recycle, in which waste is the new product or resource. To understand the flows in the kitchen, the WEF-nexus, an approach to consider the interaction and trade-offs between competing uses of land, water, and energy-related resources, is used. These three resource flows are the most important flows in a kitchen to meet consumer demands and are therefore the elements to improve circularity at Fort Kudelstaart.
Because the WEF-nexus approach is very theoretical, we have visualized the resource demand of horeca 3 with the use of sankey-diagrams. ​For each flow of resource input-use-output, a sankey-diagram explains how the fluxes of energy, material, or mass are imported into a system, split and finally disappear from a system. In this living lab we have been calculating with the following values:
Water (in litres)
Electrical energy (in kWh)​
Gas (in m3 converted to kWh)
Food (in kg)

Implementation of Circularity
After implementation
After implementing various social and technical interventions, a higher level of circularity emerges in the process of Horeca 3 at Fort Kudelstaart. Managers, chefs, and other staff are educated and aware of the re-thinking strategy. With the help of technical interventions, a new level of circularity is introduced and fewer resources are lost. Changing behaviour and improving the building will also reduce the demand for water, energy, and food. As can be seen in the sankey-diagram, more circular processes are now present. In addition, new links emerged such as food waste which now has new value by converting it into energy for horeca 3 and can be used again.

Reduction per year
By the introduction of a Sedum roof and water retention tanks, 864 m3 water can be collected per year which is 864,000 liters!
With the use energy sufficient kitchen equipement with label A , 30460 kWh can be saved! Additional solar panels and a battery system can save up to 59201 kWh. This is 13,9% of the total masterplan.
With the introduction of Orbisk, almost 50% of the food waste can be decreased. With the introdcution of the biodigester the remaining food waste can be converted into biogas and used as an energy buffer!
Due to interventions less water, energy and food has to be immported which together saves 183 tons of kg Co2 per year!
With the introduction of various implementations less costs have to be made, which saves more then 100,000 euros per year after the payback time of maximum 19 years, considering the increase of water prices.