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The introduction of a biodigester at Fort Kudelstaart will help to reach another level of self sufficiency in the restaurant. The bio transformer utilizes the value and energy of food waste by converting it into usable Biogas and valuable Biowater. With the extreme increase in energy prices and rising purchasing costs, generating your own energy becomes even more profitable. The biodigester of Circ is a high-tech stomach which chews on your food waste, digests with style and has a sustainable output.


BT50     -  BioTransFormer 50

BT200  -  BioTransFormer 200


The BT50 is most suitable for fort Kudelstaart, with 20,9 KG of food waste per day the biodigester can create 900 m3 of biogas per year. Whilst the BT50 can handle 50 KG of food waste material per day, food waste and other biological material of the garden or the neighbours can be used to increase the production of biogas.




    ©2022 by Living Lab Zeilfort

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