In addition to using energy in the form of electricity, the kitchen and its Cafe has climate needs in the form of heat. Given the 2050 goals, the fort is obliged to go gas-free. According to sustainability experts, the fort's location, with its fort canal connected to the Westeinderplassen, lends itself perfectly for aqua thermal energy.
Recently an aqua thermal energy system was installed at Fort Honswijk near Utrecht, with a low temperature heat pump (inflow temperature between 35°C- 55°C). This heat pump is connected to the fort's canel and has an efficiency (COP) of 2.7. This means that for every kWh the heat pump needs , it can produce 2.7 kWh of heat. When looking at the annual heat and cold requirements of the Cafe and its kitchen, it means that with a kWh demand of 5,424, the heat pump can supply the actual requirement of 14,700 kWh per year. This comes down to a reduction of 9,276 kWh per year.
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