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Each different tree species can have different benefits for the environment. After indicating where in urban regions trees are most needed, it can be important to also plant the right trees. To help users of the Meer Bomen Nu method, urban planners, foresters, landscape architects and all other people who want to plant trees in making informed choices, we created a tree list with all the trees that are used in the Meer Bomen Nu method. Within this list, trees are graded on their contribution to our indicators. The information in these sheets is a result of scientific research, rough estimations and information from tree growers.


The below table shows the tree classification for the Municipality of Amsterdam. After talking with people from the municipality we indicated that they find the urban heat island most important and that they think of the other indicators as equally important. Together with this ranking and the grading for each individual tree on the indicators, the trees used last year in the Meer Bomen Nu campaign are rated in the far right column. The higher the rate the more beneficial the tree. 


If you are interested in obtaining the original list so you can adapt the sheets to your region? Click here! For more information and explanation of the file, please refer to our manual which can be found here.

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