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Temporary Housing of Economic Homeless People
Exploitation phase
During this phase of the process, the building is put into use. The residents are placed and assisted by a social organization. During this phase, the building is managed and maintained and the order and safety of the public space around the building is monitored.
This phase has three parts
Location managers and social workers are deployed at the location by the care party.
A maintenance party is engaged for the daily maintenance of the building.
The financial part of the accommodation is coordinated with the party providing the subsidy.
Who is involved in this step? and why?
Care parties take care of the needs of the customers. In the context of Amsterdam, this mainly concerns:
The Rainbow Group
HVO Querido

In the operational phase of a project, there are a number of tasks for which different parties bear responsibility. These are described in this section.
The duties and responsibilities during the operation phase can be divided into three steps, one is to organize and help the residents, another is to take care of the building itself and finally to monitor the finances. These steps occur simultaneously and are not sequential.
Responsibility for caring for the economically homeless is borne by care providers such as the Rainbow Group and HVO Querido. Various parties are involved:
Location Managers
Each temporary housing location has a location manager. These supervise the team at the locations. Their role in managing the building is to create an environment where both staff and residents can feel safe. Other tasks include preparing and chairing team meetings, establishing contact with the neighbourhood, encouraging customer participation at the location and participating in consultations with colleagues and other departments within the healthcare organization (Regenboog Groep, 2019)._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
social workers
Social workers play an important role in care, as every economically homeless person is assigned to a social worker for help with practical matters. Among other things, help can be offered with applying for a postal address, registering in Woningnet, maintaining their income and support in looking for a permanent or temporary place to live (Municipality of Amstelveen, n.d.). According to an interview with a social worker from The Rainbow Group, social workers look at tasks that the target group can perform themselves. If they are unable to do so, they do so in collaboration with a social worker or volunteer. The guidance or help of the social workers also depends on the nature and seriousness of their problems.
In the case of both refugees from Ukraine and the economically homeless, which we analyzed, the maintenance of the building was done by a building manager. Minor maintenance of the buildings is carried out by The Rainbow Group, while the larger maintenance matters are carried out by the building manager, who is contracted by the property owner, unless otherwise specified. At the locations of our research, the building managers were mostly vacancy managers. These companies have contracts to manage the buildings for the owner, technicians to do the maintenance, and create contracts with tenants, in this case the economically homeless.
Building owners indicated that they prefer to receive rent payments from an organization (such as the Rainbow Group or Ad Hoc) for the building as a whole, rather than from individual tenants (in this case, the economically homeless). It is therefore advisable to establish rules for guaranteeing the monthly rent.
In addition to the building itself, the public space must also be maintained and monitored in terms of safety. This requires close cooperation with the community police officer. And the neighborhood must also stay involved to ensure that clients stay connected and to prevent resistance from the neighborhood.
According to an interview with the housing department of the municipality of Amsterdam, the financial inflow usually comes from the municipality's care department, even though the economically homeless do not necessarily need care. Funding for the care parties such as De Rainbow Group and HVO Querido who assist the economically homeless during their stay in the building comes from the government. In addition, the economically homeless pay the rent themselves.
Useful Web Sites.
the Rainbow