Digital Tool
Temporary Housing of Economic Homeless People
Planning & Preparation Phase
In brief:
During this phase of the process, the political, social, technical, legal and financial feasibility are examined. The target group is determined and an architectural design is made. This phase also includes applying for permits.
This phase consists of a number of steps:
Feasibility study
Architectural design
Obtain permits
Making a schedule
Who is involved in this step? and why?
In this phase, the rainbow group interprets the wishes of the customers in order to ensure that the target group is taken into account when drawing up transformation plans

Relevant Laws & Regulations.
In case of transformation, the user function of a building changes. The Building Decree distinguishes twelve types of functions: Living, gathering, cell function, care, industry, office, housing, education, sports, shopping, other user functions and building structures that are not buildings. All building functions have different requirements. For building transformation, the building code of the new function applies. If a building has several functions, the highest quality requirements apply to the entire building (Netherlands Enterprise Agency, 2014). More about the change of function of a building in relation to its feasibility and construction will be explained in the next phase "Realization". The function that a building may have in a certain area is regulated by the zoning plans.
These are the most relevant regulations to deviate from the zoning plan:
Crumb control: in which a building can be transformed according to the regular permit procedure. This regulation only applies if the building meets the conditions of the crumb list. The condition is that the deviation from the zoning plan is less than 10 years (Taskforce Temporary Acceleration Housing, 2022).
Project deviation: in which a building can be transformed, with a detailed preparation procedure. This is especially necessary, but not only, if the project deviates from the zoning plan for longer than 10 years (Taskforce Acceleration of Temporary Housing, 2022).
If the building houses 11 or more homes, it can use thecrisis and recovery law project, if the municipality is a project area designated by BKZ (Taskforce Acceleration of Temporary Housing, 2022). In this case, the transformation was not approved through regular laws, but through an exception or pilot.
A fourth way to deviate from the zoning plan isvia the Board of Mayor and Aldermen or the Kingdom Minister. Both are authorized to allow transformations without proper permits. This is especially done in cases of national importance such as the Ukrainian refugee crisis. In this case, there is atolerance permit', which is not an actual permit, but an environmental law is not enforced (Taskforce Acceleration of Temporary Housing, 2022) (Ministry of Justice and Security, 2022).
Here you will find an overview of all relevant laws and regulations listed at the various relevant scale levels.
The planning and preparation phase can be divided into several partly simultaneous, partly sequential steps.
The first stepthe preparatory phase involves conducting a feasibility study. The Housing Expert Team of the RVO has developed an online calculation tool (see useful websites) for real estate transformation. If the building needs to be transformed, it is wise to use this tool to determine the social, technical and financial feasibility. More information about the feasibility in relation to transformations can be found in the next phase "Realization".
It is also important to draw up a business case for financial feasibility. There should be a business case for land exploitation and a business case for real estate exploitation, comparing the total expected costs and revenues for both. The following cost items are included for land exploitation:
research, sanitation
preparing a location for construction
preparing the building for construction
Income to be charged:
temporary rent
land income.
For property development, the development costs are: establishment, financing, land, maintenance and tax costs, and income subsidies and rent (Taskforce Acceleration of Temporary Housing, 2022).
As mentioned in the previous phase, the willingness of building owners to participate is highly dependent on risk management. The BZK offers replacement guarantees for this (Taskforce Acceleration of Temporary Housing, 2022).
The second stepis starting the architectural design (when necessary).
A suitable architect or developer must be found. For the design it is important to first make a design briefing. This must be done in collaboration with multiple stakeholders. For example, it is important to create value for the district in collaboration with the area estate agent (De Zeeuw, 2018). Local residents should be involved to ensure that the plan is approved by them and that there are minimal objections to the plan.
In the design it is important to take into account the end of the life of the building in collaboration with the property owner or land owner. The possibilities of returning to the original state, demolishing and reusing materials or being able to change the target group residing in the building at the end of the first temporary residential period are all important to consider for the sake of sustainability and efficiency of building use. In addition, it is very important to involve care parties or previously economically homeless people in representing residents.
The plans must also include utilities. Utilities are necessary in every residential unit of a transformed building, as independence is highly valued by the clients and it maintains their self-sufficiency. However, it is a costly procedure, but it benefits the quality of life. Plans must be made at an early stage because not every building can be sufficiently connected to sufficient (waste) water and gas pipes.
It is important to involve the opinion of the users in the design of the building, this can be through the involvement of former economic homeless people or by asking the Rainbow Group directly for input, because they work closely with the target group. The reason is that if the target group is taken into account from an early stage, the design better meets the requirements or needs of the target group.
The third stepAfter all technical plans have been completed, it is necessary to apply for a permit from the municipality. It must be checked whether the plans correspond with the current zoning plan, if not it must be included in the environmental permit that the building deviates from the current zoning plan (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, 2014). The duration of the permit application to deviate from the zoning plan can take a maximum of 8 weeks for the regular procedure and 26 weeks for the extended procedure, both of which can be extended by a further 6 weeks. The costs for the permits amount to 372.60 for the regular procedure and 3189.65 for the extensive procedure (Municipality of Amsterdam, 2022b). To check which permit is required, the permit check of the environment counter can be done.
The Chamber of Commerce (KVK) (2022) defines a tender as "a procurement method of government organizations." It is a "fair way of managing public contracts. It gives all interested parties an equal chance to carry out an assignment. By outsourcing contracts, the government also ensures that there is competition between companies" (Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce, 2022). Because a public tender must create the opportunity for all interested market parties to obtain a contract, this procedure takes a long time (varying per type of tender). If the municipality is the initiator of the project, following this procedure is mandatory. If another organization is the initiator, it is not mandatory to follow this procedure, which saves time.
The fourth and final stepis making a schedule for the implementation of the building plans and a plan for the period of residence. It is important to make agreements with all stakeholders involved in the temporary accommodation and to manage everyone's expectations. The schedule should include a plan for when people can start their activities.
Useful Web Sites.
Crumb list:
Calculation tool transformation RVO:
Feasibility check transformation:
Permit check environment counter:
View zoning plan:
Application for zoning plans:
Environmental permit: